Friday, March 14, 2008

from kevin

I want to thank all the MK's for their enthusiasm, flexibility and maturity, which made a big difference in what we could do and how much we all enjoyed each day. Being able to take everyone on the afternoon activities was a great blessing. I never would have guessed that at this age (not like Storm who is really old) I would find myself searching around a 700+ year old city on the other side of the world with 7 youth and one adult. Coming in 2nd (what?) in the Amazing Race, behind the team who picked all the clues...(shady) Go Monkeys!

I learned that I'm not very flexible (ok, I already knew that), but I saw how being flexible and open minded pays off big time and doesn't have to require stress. God was in control of all our circumstances, and He showed clearly that He was and still is doing an enormous amount of work for our good. It was so easy for me to take things for granted like safety, conveniences, the MK's attitudes and the week's inique experiences. I grew very attached to our little community at the hotel, and I miss it very much. I look forward to following the Lord's work in people's lives who I was able to be a part of for several days.

Oddly enough, I have grown more sensitive to RBI's since leaving Thailand. Did you know that:
-Texas has changed it's capital 13 times
-Ghandi was a lawyer before before becoming Mahatma

1 comment:

anika said...

Ghandi was a LAWYER?
That's awesome!

And team elephant WON.
No doubt. We didn't skip any places and we got there first!

Thanks for sharing! Hope you had fun with the fish!
