Saturday, March 1, 2008

the sun sets on day one

The sun has set on our first official full day in Thailand. It has been a very tiring, yet productive, day that has definitely increased our excitement level for this week. The Team awoke this morning and met for breakfast at 8am (7pm cst). After breakfast we met up with the SAM staff who showed us around the hotel compound to the different rooms and locations that we will be using this week. After our tour we had a Team meeting, followed by a walking tour of Chiang Mai which took up the better part of the afternoon and early evening. As we walked back to the hotel from the heart of the city, we stopped off at Sojo's and had dinner. As we ate many members of WV, including two of the kids we will be with this week, came into the restaurant and we were able to meet them early.

The accomodoations that WV has set up for us is far greater than we had expected. We will get into more detail on the setup later, but it is evident by the accomodations that our work here is a priority and not just an after-thought.

We will be eating breakfasts and lunches each day at the hotel. They are buffet-style meals with all types of different foods, but mostly a sampling of local cuisine. Breakfast today was fairly conventional, but lunch was more fun as people began trying new and different types of food - some with positive outcomes, others not so much. And at lunch we were serenaded by a karaoke-esque piano player who sampled some american classics, so really can't beat that.

We have begun uploading our pictures onto an alternate site which will allow us to upload more pictures and organize them better. The link is below...

It is the intent of the Team to update daily, however with the schedule we are not sure how feasible that is. With that being said, comments and words of encouragement will definitely motivate us to update more often. Also, ask any questions you might have and we will try to answer them!

Thanks to everyone for the continued prayer and support. We look forward to sharing with you all the amazing things God is doing here in Chiang Mai!


Cheryl said...

Thanks so much for the GREAT photos!!! Hope no one is sick from food...the "others not so much" comment worried me a bit. Have you seen Catharine? Is the phone working? Praying for you all!! Savor every minute, you will never forget this precious time!


Thailand 2008 said...

You are super quick, Cheryl! Awesome!

No, no one has gotten sick, so that's really great. And we should meet Catharine tomorrow when we meet the rest of the missionaries that are coming in. Kevin says the phone is working well, so thanks!

Thanks for the prayers and all the encouraging comments!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info and the slide shows are wonderful. What a beautiful hotel and fascinating city. This is all great but a postcard for the scrapbook would be nice too, Kevin. Praying for continued health and that your lights will shine for Christ in all you do.

Anonymous said...

We check the site multiple times a day and pray for you each time. Its so exciting to see it all come together. Thanks for the slideshows. They are wonderful! I love following what you are up to. Joel & Ginnny

Anonymous said...

Great slideshows! Daynah says hello. She doesn't have anything else to say, she says. Ken says there arent enough pics and wants more. Dont listen to him. He also wants to know what Teresa is eating. Are you getting enough veggies, honney? Looks like a beautiful city! ENJOY! Alls good here.
The Forsbergs

Cheryl said...

Paul and I were commenting on your swanky accommodations!!! I'm pretty sure the Uganda team had to micturate in holes in the Lyall's suite looks rock-star!!

Thailand 2008 said...

Yes Cheryl, sometimes as Christians we are called upon to thrust ourselves into situations that are less than desireable for the glory of God.

This, however, is not such a situation, except for the glorifying God part.

Last night, as we swam in our hotel pool, we could not help but laugh when Kari complained that the water was too cold.

Cheryl said...

LOL!!! We were just teasing!!! We didn't munch on any fish heads!! Tell Kari "you go girl!!" In all seriousness, we are delighted to see your photos, and were especially moved by your account of the meaningful experiences during the church service..It's so amazing to me that even though the songs may differ a bit, (& the culture/customs), we are praising and glorifying HIM...all around the world!!! We continue to hold you all up in prayer!!!

Paul & Cheryl